Become a member
Participation to the Hellenic Society of Positive Psychology
The Hellenic Society of Positive Psychology was formed much earlier than its actual founding, as we realized later on. The merriment, the ardent wish and the love we foster for psychology, our sincere interest in learning and faith in this so innovative, but yet, so old movement focusing on the promotion of prosperity and happiness soon led up to the extension of our boundaries beyond the limits of a classroom, intensifying our desire to share.
The aim of the Society is the examination of the principles of positive psychology, targeting their development towards the study and support of human growth and prosperity. This aim concerns each one of us in an individual as well as in a collective level, since locating, cultivating and strengthening special features leads not only to the progress and prosperity of the person itself, but also to that of several groups and organizations in which they participate.
In case you feel that Positive Psychology concerns you as well and you wish to know what it stands for, get informed about its developments, the conferences or the latest research findings, this is the right place to participate to.
• If being a listener or a reader is not satisfying enough for you
• If you wish to participate actively, be trained, study and apply its principles
• If you believe that the work of psychology is not only about reducing psychic pain and coping with life difficulties but mainly about prosperity and development, satisfaction from life, optimism, hope and finally about the quest and conquer of happiness..
then, you are already one of us.
It is possible to participate in the Society in various ways and levels depending on your desires and capabilities. In case you are a candidate, or you already have, a PhD in psychology, or in other social and human sciences, and your work extends in the broader scientific field of Positive Psychology, you can become a regular member. If you have a master’s degree or if you are a postgraduate student, you can become a candidate member. Finally, if you are interested in the field of Positive Psychology but you don’t belong in a certain scientific field, we will be happy to have you as an assistant member.
Advantages of the members
As a member of our Society you will be able to contact and cooperate with all those people involved with Positive Psychology in Greece. You will have the chance to participate in our conferences/workshops with law cost, receive newsletters and be constantly updated with the latest developments in Positive Psychology. Also, depending on the type of your membership, you will have the opportunity to actively participate in the Society’s activities and interventions. And this is just the beginning. The developments of Positive Psychology, as well as your participation, your interest, your suggestions and ideas are most likely to show us new paths and provide further opportunities to all of us. Of course, the most important of all is that by participating in our Society you will feel better! According to the main principles of Positive Psychology, happiness is not just about positive experiencing, but also about participation, cooperation and meaning making.
We believe that it’s all here!
Membership Categories
Regular Members: Regular members are PhD candidates and PhD candidates in Psychology, or other social and human sciences whose work is part of the wider field of Positive Psychology.
Probationary Members: Probationary members are postgraduate students or holders of postgraduate degrees in Psychology, or other social sciences and humanities whose work is part of the wider knowledge area of Positive Psychology.
Auxiliary Members: Any citizen who is interested in supporting the purposes of the company, but does not meet the conditions of regular and probationary members
Honorary: Greek and foreign scientists who receive special recognition for their outstanding contribution in the field of Positive Emotions and/or who with their services have offered to the Society and/or have contributed to the promotion of the Society's goals._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ They are registered as honorary members and are not charged with dues. The number of honorary members is not more than 1/10 of regular members.
Sponsors: Institutes, Companies, Organizations, Groups, Research Centers or Laboratories and natural or legal persons who wish to help fulfill the company's goals with a logistical, financial or other kind of offer.
Annual membership fees
Regular Members: 50 euros
Trial Members: 40 euros
Auxiliary Members: 20 euros
Registration process
To register with the Hellenic Society of Positive Psychology, send the registration application together with a short CV to the email address info@positiveemotions.gr