Level 2 - Training in Positive Psychology
Στο τρίτο έτος του εκπαιδευτικού προγράμματος "Δίπλωμα στη Θετική Ψυχολογία" πραγματοποιούνται πρακτική άσκηση και εποπτεία.
Διεξάγονται 3 ομαδικές συναντήσεις:
Εισαγωγική συνάντηση – 5 ώρες, Ενημέρωση και ενδυνάμωση ομάδας
Ενδιάμεση συνάντηση – 5 ώρες, Συζήτηση και αξιολόγηση της πορείας
Τελική συνάντηση – 5 ώρες, Κλείσιμο της ομάδας
Παράλληλα, πραγματοποιείται ατομική εποπτεία – 6 ώρες
Επιπλέον απαιτείται η συγγραφή δύο Εργασιών:
Παρουσίαση περιστατικού
Εργασία προσωπικής ανάπτυξης
The purpose of the new program is to deepen the modules taught in the first cycle, to focus on the practical application of specific concepts, but also to get to know new fields of Positive Psychology.
The program is aimed exclusively at health and mental health professionals, teachers of all levels, as well as professionals from the field of human resource management who have an annual diploma in Positive Psychology or similar training.
Duration : 6 months
Cost: 720 euros*
* Special price for members of the Positive Psychology Professionals Network
6 meetings lasting 10 hours (approximately one weekend per month)
Training modules
All modules combine the provision of knowledge and information with experiential exercises and incorporate the participants' personal experience of contact with positive psychology.
1. Positive Relationships
2. Advanced Lessons on Enjoyment and Feelings - Friendship
3. Positive psychology, bliss, work and personal balance
4. Applications of Positive Psychology in Clinical Practice and Health Psychology
5. Second Wave of Positive Psychology & Positive Motivation and Self-Actualization
6. Introduction to Mindfulness: From Theory to Practice
7. Closing (Experiential Three Days)
All lecturers have many years of experience (10+ years) in the field of mental health, hold a PhD and have extensive research experience in the field of positive psychology. They have also completed their training in at least one psychotherapeutic approach (Existential, Gestalt, Cognitive-Behavioral, Psychoanalytic, Systemic, Person-centered) and work mainly in the field of Clinical and Counseling Psychology.